This Year’s Show
Entering their 13th competitive season, the Irondale Marching Knights are proud to present their 2002 show entitled “Flight: Taming the Perilous Skies”. Celebrating the accomplishments of the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk and 100 years of manned flight the Marching Knights perform “To Tame the Perilous Skies” and “On a Hymnsong of Lowell Mason” by contemporary wind band composer David Holsinger. They are led on the field by drum majors Peter Mauro and Kevin Whalen.
Irondale’s staff includes:
Director – Bill Sucha
Winds – Andy Combites, Kathy Dorn, Rachel Iverson, Ross Jahnke, Billy Toepel, Garret Decker, Neils Knutson, Ben Firkus, Jordan Warfield & Ian Olson
Percussion – Paul Weber, Matt Ferry, Tom Reimer, Eric Merriman, Mike Ferry, Susie Sundly & Nathan Hicks
Color Guard – Gary Swanson, Jen Piché, Alison Mullaney, Rebecca DeVries, Jessica Kracl, Shubhang Davé, Shannon Draper & Heather Amundsen
Drill Design – Garret Decker
Past honors include: 2 time Bands of America regional finalist, 5 time WGI Northstar regional colorguard champion and 6 time Midwest finalist, 3 time WGI Midwest percussion champions and 6 time finalist, 6 time consecutive Vikingland festival and Minneapolis Aquatennial festival grand champions, and 2002 Winter Guard International Scholastic Open-Class Colorguard World Champions.
This year the Marching Knights have performed in parades in Shoreview, New Brighton, Stillwater and the State Fair. They will be performing in field shows in Minnesota and Wisconsin and will travel to Dallas, TX for the Bands of America Dallas Regional competition in October. In addition, a spring tour to Hawaii is planned in March 2003 for the Irondale Bands.
Irondale would like to thank all parents, friends and administration for their continual support and hard work.